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So glad you're here.

Hey Friend,

My name is Mike and I'm the campus pastor of Meadows Church. God has been so good to us as church community.  Who would of thought that when we invited 15 kids to our house for a backyard daycamp during COVID, three years later it would turn into our Meadows Church community.  I want to invite you to something new.  These days there's a lot happening in our world.  Whether you are searching for something more or looking for a sense of belonging, or ways to serve those around you, I want to welcome you to our Meadows community. 


Come join us for dinner and connection at Langley Meadows Community School on Sunday Nights.  We do church in a comfortable and relational way.  Why Sunday nights?  We recognize people are busy and a lot of busyness happens Sunday mornings, so let's share dinner and life together, and have some faith conversations too.  If you have kiddos like I do, our kids and youth share in the mealtime and community activity before going off to their own programming.  We have a time of worship and dive into Scripture together.  Whether you're on your own or bringing your whole family, we invite you to come as you are.   You're welcome here.


I'd love to buy you a coffee, hear your story and get the chance to tell you a little about what God is doing in our Langley Meadows Neighbourhood.  I invite you to fill out a connect card so I can connect with you.


With love,


Mike Olynyk

Campus Pastor

Meadows Church Meets at Langley Meadows Elementary every Sunday Night at 5pm.


2255 Willoughby Way

Langley, BC

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