We invite you to partner with Meadows Church both financially and in prayer.
Meadows Church is a new community in the heart of the Langley Meadows neighbourhood. It is a campus of South Abbotsford Church. We strive to come alongside all families and point them to the hope of Jesus. This takes prayer and financial partnership and faithful giving from people like you.​​​​​
Email info@meadowschurch.ca with the subject "Prayer Team" and your First and Last name in the email. We will add you to our bi-weekly prayer update.​​
Partner in Prayer
Partner Financially
You can give via credit card online from the South Abbotsford website. Click the Donate button and select "regularly" to give monthly or you can give a "one time" gift to the ministries of Meadows Church.
E-transfers from your banking institution can be accepted through giving@meadowschurch.ca
and will be auto-deposited.
Make sure to designate it "Meadows Church" in the message line. You must include your address in the comments as well to ensure a tax receipt.
By Cheque
Cheque can be made out to South Abbotsford Church with the Memo Line: Meadows Church
Mail to: 32424 Huntingdon Rd
Abbotsford, BC V2T 5Z1
Pre-Authorized Giving
If you would like to give a regular amount every month from your bank account, forms are available by clicking here. Please print, fill out the form, and send it (scanned or take a picture with your phone) along with a VOID cheque to finance@southabbotsford.com.
The spending of funds is the oversight of South Abbotsford Church which is the overseeing entity of Meadows Church.​
Each gift designated towards a church program will be used as designated. When any given need has been met, or where projects cannot be reasonably carried out, the donor agrees that designated gifts may be used where needed most.
Please note donations are not refundable. Contact the church office if you should have any questions: 778-614-2215